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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tips How to Study Effectively

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Learning is a must for a student, without learning would be difficult to resolve the problem which will be given to us. How to learn for each person would be very different. And the results are dipeoleh even so, will be different for each person. Have we learn effectively? Consider the following tips to learn effectively.
There are many different ways of learning. And we already know which of all of them are suitable for us? Before reading the article tips on how to learn an effective, harmless once read an article about the range of types of intelligence in humans, so we are more familiar with the type of intelligence that exist in themselves so they can find a real way what is most suitable for us to apply to study?
Well, good tips on how effective learning can be useful below. Hopefully with these tips lessons being learned easily and quickly absorbed. Most important in learning as much as possible to avoid memorizing, so says my teacher was and is still etched in my memory sharp. Not memorize but to understand and comprehend that without the help of a book we can give an explanation of a material using our own words.
1. The first day of school, re-re-lessons learned. After that, read a brief lesson will be taught the next day for the frame alone. Once the lesson was explained next day, you've got the picture. And you stayed after school to repeat to make a conclusion or summary only. 2. Try to concentrate full-time teachers teaching in the classroom. 3. Typing or writing back the lessons taught will also help, because it is tantamount to membeca. And even better after it is read back. 4. After re-reading lessons, try to make their own conclusions with your sentence. This will help make the material imprint in your memory sharp. 5. Repeating the lesson should not be read or rewrite lesson but can also teach your friends about the material that has just repeated 6. Avoid sudden learning before test due to less effective. Try to learn as preparation time did not want to repeat too tight. 7. Do not forget to always make a summary or conclusion on any subject, if necessary, use tables or illustrations so easy to remember. 8. Day is a great time to be learned. If we concentrate in the morning to learn in school. Then redeeming the time after school for lessons megulang back because the mind is still fresh. And in the evening use for learning activities are rather light, or doing work ruimah. Most importantly, avoid staying up late, because of its impact is not good for health. 9. A tired body will not be good for our brains. Besides the concentration is also difficult to achieve. We recommend that first holiday of the event which will drain the stamina of our day before the exam. 10. Try to learn to serileks when possible, if possible while accompanied by music. Classical music is a kind of Mozart or Beethoven or perhaps reading the scriptures, might be the choice. Music and scripture readings also will be able to add to your spirit. Or if you concentrate hard type of person that if not in a quiet place without the company should study music. 11. If you want to memorize, such as the Constitution or the like, should be done before bed. Since when are you going to be easier to remember something you learned sat up in the morning.

Actually there are many tips on how to learn effectively we can find on the internet. But, of course everything will come back to us. Because of effective tips for others is not necessarily so did we. However, the ability of each person is different. Do what your heart, and hope it all is the best for us. Congratulations to learn, keep the spirit and never tired to try.



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